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From the Sponsor's Desk







We extend a warm welcome to your ward here at Modern International School. The intellectual and physical infrastructure in M.I.S. Al Ahsa provides a multitude of Scholastic and Co-Scholastic programmes. Our school holds a clear vision to produce a good human being laced with good character and values.We guide our students and help them in their all round development. We, at M.I.S. strive to provide ample opportunities to our children to explore his/ her innate potential. 

In return we expect from you something uncommon, something extraordinary, that will amaze and flabbergast one and all.


Sponsor and Managing Director


From the Principal's Desk


Receive my heartfelt congrats and cordial welcome for the new academic year.We have undoubtedly outstripped the previous year but it does not imply that we don't have to retrospect. Instead we have to resolve to step up with ebullience. We look back to access our all round development which involves physical, mental and psychological aspects. 

From the Director's Desk


I feel ecstatic to welcome you to the new academic year.The new year has come with abundance of merritments hilarities along with myriads of dreams of well- being and prosperity for each one of us. 

The previous year has passed but it doesn't mean we should bury it and suppose it to be dead. The memories of the past may be an amalgamation of a few sweet and bitter experiences. 




If you have any suggestions that will increase the standard and quality of our educational institute, you are welcome to send them to us.

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Students of Modern International School, Al Ahsa, outshine in the 10th grade New Delhi-based CBSE results this year too. Our school obtained 100% result for the sixth batch.

NO COMPARTMENT AND NO FAILURE of the examinees of Class X of the session 2012-13.

Congratulations. Please click on the ribbon to view the results.



Websites where your children can increase their knowledge:

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